Talk:Who does what

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  • (16:29:55) (]SR[Ake_Vader) how about a wiki page
  • (16:30:02) (]SR[Ake_Vader) where you get to see who actually does what in the scene
  • (16:30:25) (]SR[Ake_Vader) who admins server x and who runs site y
  • (16:30:56) (]SR[Ake_Vader) so people both get a picture of who put their time into those kind of things
  • (16:31:04) (]SR[Ake_Vader) and that people get credit for doing it
  • (16:31:31) (]SR[Ake_Vader) maybe even what role they have
  • (16:31:40) (]SR[Ake_Vader) writer, developer etc

Ideas for the 'who does what' page

I suggest to put it in categories (all on one and the the same large page though):

Category 1) Community Sites

--> qwdrama
    --> function1: staff member 1, staff member 2
    --> function2: staff member 3
    --> etc
--> besmella-quake
--> refragged
--> etc

Category 2) Tournaments / Leagues

--> nqr
    --> function 1: staff member 1, staff member 2
    --> function 2: staff member 3, staff member 4, staff member 5
    --> etc
--> eql
--> king of tuesday kenya

Category 3) Servers

--> dybbuk
    --> function 1: staff member 1, staff member 2
--> jollen
    --> function 1: staff member 1
--> wargamez
    --> function 1: staff member 1, staff member 2

ideas etc?

Category 4) Artwork/maps/other

--> Weapon models
 --> Maps
--> Textures

Category 5) Mods

--> Team Fortress (zelTF)
--> Jawn mode (Dunno if actively developed though? This should only contain fairly up2date stuff imo)

Category 6) Clients/Software

--> ezQuake
--> ezTV
--> Camquake
--> nQuake
--> fQuake

great idea

but seems, we need a hitler nagging us :)