
From QWiki
Revision as of 19:44, 4 August 2011 by *>Sers (→‎commands etc)
  • Nick: sers
  • Nationality: Flag de.gif German
  • Current clan: Flag gb.gif Demonic Core
  • Aliases: Rakone; yggdrasil; schutzwhr
  • First spawned: 1996
  • Map: DM4 and End
  • Colors: 12 2
  • IRC: #dc_tactics @ QuakeNet
  • OS: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE; Windows XP SP3
  • Client: ezquake nightly build

Clan history


  • 3rd place/rank ZKM Q3 tournament
  • Frag of the week winner @ qwdrama


lo; tnx; pld


Cmdline [insert setup and client location, an ezquake nightly build in my case]

-mem 128 -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcespd -nocdaudio -ruleset smackdown


Ready - Break script

alias red_1 "ready ;bind p red_0"

alias red_0 "break ;bind p red_1"

Volume script

alias Select.Vol.01 "volume 0.05 ;bind l Select.VOL.00 - Select.VOL.02;echo - volume set to: 0.05"

alias Select.Vol.02 "volume 0.1 ;bind l Select.VOL.01 - Select.VOL.03;echo - volume set to: 0.1"

alias Select.Vol.03 "volume 0.15 ;bind l Select.VOL.02 - Select.VOL.04;echo - volume set to: 0.15"

alias Select.Vol.04 "volume 0.2 ;bind l Select.VOL.03 - Select.VOL.05;echo - volume set to: 0.2"

alias Select.Vol.05 "volume 0.25 ;bind l Select.VOL.04 - Select.VOL.00;echo - volume set to: 0.25"

alias Select.Vol.00 "volume 0.0 ;bind l Select.VOL.05 - Select.Vol.01;echo - volume set to: 0.0"

Teamplay messages ON/OFF script

alias teamplayon "exec config/teamchats.cfg; echo TP_MSGS ON; bind F9 teamplayoff"

alias teamplayoff "exec config/bindings.cfg; echo TP_MSGS OFF; bind F9 teamplayon"


Mouse polling rate - USB port patch 500/1000hz

This patch has been tested on winxp sp2 and sp3 using the G1 mouse. [usbmrs11.exe]

Applying the patch using winxp sp2;

Use the mouserateswitcher (usbmrs11.exe) to patch your usb port.

Step 1:

Boot your os in safe mode with administrator privileges.

Step 2:

Locate the usbmrs11.exe tool, execute it, to apply the patch click 'Patch' and do a 'Y' (YES) at the desired rate/hz, for instance 500/1000hz.

Step 3:

Reboot your os normally and use the mouserate.exe tool to verfify that your mouse is working at the set rate/hz.


I would advise that you patch the USB port at 500hz, since it has proven that 1000hz does not always function flawlessly.

Applying the patch using winxp sp3;

Given that you have upgraded from sp2 to sp3, the usbmrs11.exe tool will return an error when patching your usbport.sys file. A workaround for this problem is simple.

Step 1:

Use your original winxp home/professional install CD and extract the usbport.sys file from the SP2.CAB file.

Step 2:

Create a backup of your usbport.sys file in use, which is located in the directory C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and keep this backup. Just in case something should go wrong and you can then rollback to the previously working usbport.sys file.

Step 3:

Overwrite the usbport.sys file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers with the one you have extracted from the SP2.CAB file from your original winxp install CD.

Step 4:

Reboot your os normally to see if everything works properly.

Step 5:

Reboot your os in safe mode with administrator privileges and follow the instructions given at Applying the patch using winxp sp2.

Step 6:

Use mouserate.exe to verify that your mouse is working at the set rate/hz.

Mouse settings

6/11 in winxp os mouse speed settings [acceleration and mouse shadow disabled]

m_pitch 0.022

m_yaw 0.022

m_accel 0

m_side 0.8

m_filter 1

m_rate 500

in_mouse 3

in_m_os_parameters 3

sensitivity 9.24987654321

Test -m_smooth and -dinput in your Cmdline. [I'm not using it.]

vid_mode and Monitor

vid_mode 6

Desktop resolution of 1024x768

Font resolution of 320x240 with font smoothing on

LG901B CRT set at 100hz


demo_capture_codec xvid

demo_capture_fps 50

demo_capture_dir movies

bind 8 "demo_capture start 400 name.avi"

bind 9 "demo_capture stop"

Using vid_mode 4 when capturing

Favorite tools and stuff

grep; infrarecorder; cdrtools; cdex; LAME; sandboxie; scp; wget; sha1sum etc; truecrypt; testdisk; tcpdump; ipfw; OpenSSH; RSA; csh; irssi; znc; gnupg; ee; vi; netstat; sysinstall; sysctl; ntpdate; find; cat; sockstat; ifconfig; awk; du; ls; top; last; init; pf; ps; last; getty; tty; screen; putty; winscp; google talk; msconfig; services; bash; dig; nslookup; nmap; ssh-keygen; opera; curl; notepad; flashfxp; cmd; winamp; 7-zip; file; nginx; eggdrop; metasploit; mapivi; IPSeccmd; pwd; make; date; freebsd-update; portupgrade; rm; mv; cp; cd; chmod; touch; echo; wc; pkg; pipes; fstat; etc ...

csh prompt

csh prompt -> set prompt = "%T|%n@%m:%~%# " in your .cshrc

commands etc

echo hw.syscons.bell=0 >> /etc/sysctl.conf

sysctl -a | less

du -a . | sort -rn

du -h filename | awk '{print $1}'

ls -lah filename

ls -lah filename | awk '{print $5}'

stat -s filename

file *


fstat | more

uname -a ; id

terminal copy and paste: left mouse and mark text; shift+insert



ls -F (*after executables, /after directories, @after symbolic links)

ps aux | grep searchforwhatever

cat filename | more/less

which ps/grep/etc (where in the user's path the command ps/grep/etc is)

whatis * (about binaries in the current directory)

find / -name "*filename*" -ls




kill -9 PID

vi ESC i/a/x/:w!/:q!/:wq//goto

dmesg | head




chmod go-w,a+x FILE (example)

cd /usr/bin

man -f *

/var/run/dmesg.boot (hardware)

cat file > /dev/dsp (soundcheck)

/etc/group (users/groups)

/etc/shells (shells)

/etc/hosts (you can work with .local)

screen irssi (ctrl+a/d) / screen -raAd

flow-control (XON/XOFF) ctrl+s (freezes terminal) / ctrl+q (unfreezes terminal)

checking for duplicate ports/installs

pkg_info | sort | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*$//' | \

uniq -c | grep -v '^space:*1'

print a man page

man name_of_manpage | col -bx | lpr

echo $SHELL

/etc/fstab - /bin/kill - /usr/ports/ - /var/logs/

in your .cshrc

alias j jobs -l

alias lls ls -isal

alias s1 ipfw -a list

alias s2 ipfw -t list

alias off shutdown -p now

alias offr shutdown -r now

alias tcp tcpdump -vv

alias timeset ntpdate

FreeBSD update/upgrade

freebsd-update fetch

freebsd-update install

freebsd-update -r 8.2-RELEASE upgrade (only in the same 7./8./etc series)

freebsd-update install

shutdown -r now

freebsd-update install

scp stuff

Copying file to host: scp SourceFile user@host:/directory/Targetfile

Copying file from host: scp user@host:/directory/SourceFile TargetFile

Copying a file from host and other port: scp -P 2222 user@host:directory/SourceFile TargetFile

Looking for ips?

for i in `cat hosts`; do nslookup ${i} >> ips; done


ssh / ssh-keygen / ssh-keyscan

nmap stuff

nmap -PN -T4 -p1-65535 -n -v ip

nmap -sS -sU -A -P0 -vv --allports --version-all -p0-65355

Checking things out

ls -l /dev/tty* | grep -v root

ls -l /dev/pts/*

ps -fC sshd


ls /boot/kernel/ | grep "ko" (which modules are loaded)

System administration

Linux System Administration / Linux Network Administration / TCP/IP Illustrated

Windows XP stuff

device manager -> netbios disable -> hidden devices -> netbios over TCP/IP -> disable

com+ disable -> comexp.msc -> component services -> properties -> disable com plus

serives -> server -> disable (amongst many other useless services, better off them today)


dig +trace +additional -t A



Linux guide

Useful sites


touch /var/account/acct

accton /var/account/acct

echo 'accounting_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

check out 'sa'

lastcomm ls

External links