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Phrenic is a movie producer, having released Holocaust, and reputable player, being involved in numerous competition placings.



phrenic got into Quake thanks to an old friend of his, Circle. It was 1999 and he didn't have a connection, so was only able to play against Frogbots and sometimes on LAN, but never online. He then got back into Quake in late-2005 after acquiring an internet connection.

After downloading and being impressed by some (possibly a QHLAN) movie, phrenic dowloaded Sony Vegas Video and started making small QW clips, adding a few transitions and effects. Releasing first movie on December 9, 2004 called Noobpov and enjoying the editing process a lot, Phrenic was spurred on to continue.

Clan history



  • "Jag har längt väntat i jag vet itt hur länge, såg den idag då den kom ut och nu har den kommit!"
  • "Soma lives in Hamburg not in germany (if i got that right, hamburg is it's own little country)"


External links